Thursday, February 8, 2007

Un-Valentine's Day

Oh boy. *she says in her best Sam Beckett voice*

It’s that time of year again. You know what I mean. That holiday that turns every woman into a gibbering idiot and gives the men a reason to act like one? Little fat cherubs with blushing pink cheeks flying around causing trouble, shooting arrows and crap?

Yeah. That day.

Now, I’m not a scrooge, bah-humbug-get-outta-my-face kind of girl, but then, I’m not Aphrodite either.

Why should your man have to prove to you on one particular day that he cares? Shouldn’t this be an ongoing, daily thing? Or at least weekly? I’d like to think so. I know that if my cowboy doesn’t at least call to say hi every now and then, he gets his butt whupped. But then, he’s another story. This is what kills me…

Why is it that you’ve been seeing this man for eighteen months or so and he often calls just to see how your day is going. Other times, he surprises you with a CD by your favorite artist or a new book you’ve been meaning to buy. And then other times he treats you to a night out or something else equally special. Never anything major, but always enough.

So, why is it you go ballistic when he forgets that one holiday? Or, he
does remember but doesn’t go whole hog like your friend’s boyfriend? You just got a card and a nice home-cooked meal that, for once, you didn’t have to clean up. She got diamond earrings and a night on the town.

What you conveniently forget is that her boyfriend never calls. She is the one to plan all their dates.
She is the one waiting on him all the time. He remembers her only three times a year – those three events where he’s required to: birthday, Christmas, and this dreaded one.

So, why are you whining?

It’s started here already. People pairing up, or attempting to. The whispers, the secrets, the planning. I hate that my Blake isn’t going to be around, but that’s how it works. At least he won’t feel pressured into competing with these dopes around here, each trying to outdo the other for the sake of one night of fun. We can celebrate later on. Maybe in March. Yeah, that sounds good to me.

But then, he loves to surprise me.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Either way, I know how he feels about me and I’ve made my feelings more than clear. He knows that a simple call means more than diamonds or gold. Although, chocolate is always a nice supplement…


Sorry. Mind wandered there a bit. But seriously, when you know and he knows why does it matter so much? Should it? Not to me, it doesn’t. I have my man; he cares, and lets me know it. Do I need all the hype? No. Are presents nice? Hell yeah, but they’re not needed. I’d rather see that look in his eyes when we’ve been apart for too long. Or the smile on his face after an afternoon walking in the park.

That’s what it’s all about.
