Tuesday, July 10, 2007


• A
Are you available?: Nope
What is your age?: 33 tomorrow, tomorrow…

• B
Do you know anyone named Brian?: Yes! Does he owe you money too?
When is your birthday?: July 11th

• C
What's your favorite candy?: Any kind with sugar?
What kind of car do you drive?: Jeep

• D
Do you daydream?: Yeah
What's your favorite kind of dog: Basset hound

• E
How do you like your eggs?: Depends on who’s cooking them.
Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Oy and Vey. Too many times.
Ever pet an elephant?: No

• F
Do you use fly swatters? Nooooo…
Is there a fan in your room?: Two. :)

• G
Do you chew gum?: Yep.
Do you like gummy candies?: Again, do they have sugar?
Do you like gorey movies?: YEAH!

• H
How are you?: Pregnant. Need I say more?
What's your height?: 6’ 1”
What color is your hair?: Brown w/some encroaching grey…

• I
What's your favorite ice cream?: cake batter
Have you ever ice skated?: Yes
Ever been in an igloo?: Yes and would have rather skipped that assignment…

• J
Favorite Jelly Bean: MARGARITA!
Do you wear jewelry: Yeah

Who do you want to kill?: Nobody currently.
Have you ever flown a kite?: Yeah
Do you think kangaroos are cute? Hmm, how close am I?

Are you laidback?: Sometimes
Lions or tigers?: BEARS!
Do you like black licorice?: EEEW!

• M
Favorite store at the mall?: Which mall?
Favorite movie?: Tombstone

• N
Do you have a nickname?: None that I can print. :) Cookie and Jaye usually.
Do you prefer night or day? Day

• O
Are you an only child?: No.
Do you like the color orange?: Prefer green. *snort*

• P
Do you know anyone named Penelope?: Not that I know of. If SHE owes you money, it's not my problem.
Are you quick to judge people?: I try not to be.

• R
Do you think you're always right?: No
Do you watch reality TV?: Bleh.

• S
Do you prefer sun or rain?: Rain? What’s rain?
Do you like snow?: See igloo question.

• T
What time is it?: 12:24 PM
What time did you wake up? 4 AM

• U
Can you ride a unicycle?: Never had a reason to try.
Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: *snort* *giggle* *choke*

• V
Did you ever watch Veggie Tales?: Never, but I have the feeling I may in the future…

• W
What's your worst habit?: My brother says it's my sarcasm. Can’t imagine where he got that idea at.
What do you want right now?: *cough* Someone, um, I mean someTHING I can’t have…

• X
Have you ever had an x-ray?: Tons!
Ever used a Xerox machine?: Duh! Who hasn't?

• Y
Do you like the color yellow?: Nope.
What year were you born in?: 1974
Do you yell when you're angry?: Yeah. In several languages.

• Z
Do you believe in the zodiac?: Depends on what it’s telling me. LOL

Six lasts:
6. last dream: Heh heh heh…
5. last beverage: Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf iced mocha
4. last phone call: Albie
3. last text message: My Cowboy
2. last time you cried: I’m pregnant! Answer that your damn self!
1. last time you hugged someone? A few hours ago when I dropped Bucky off at daycare…

Who thinks up these questions anyway?