Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Yeaaaah... Right!

I'm rather amused by the fact Scarlett thinks this is all MY fault. Little does she realize how much she really likes talking about herself.

*ducks flying crossbow bolts*

But seriously, I think she's going to get addicted just as quickly as I did. God only knows Blake doesn't want to listen to me ramble all the time. And neither do my co-workers. Not that I can actually TALK to anyone while I'm stuck on freaking bed rest like this. *sighs*

But these days, you do not want to let me get ahold of your ear. Especially on a day like today. Back aches. Tummy hurts. Rayna refuses to sit still. C'mon kid, aren't ya ready to make an apperance yet? Please? For Mommy? Besides, we can freak your Daddy out while we're at it and we all know how much FUN that is...

Gah, I am so uncomfortable today! What the heck is up with this? Wish Blake was around to give me a back rub, but he had an interview to do that his manager sprung on him last-minute. And unfortunately, the idiot (the manager, not my husband this time) promised Blake would be there. In person.

Honey? Hurry home...

~An extremely uncomfortable Ali


Redheaded Mama said...

my trick was to make sure I had everything ready. I didn't go into labor with the middle one until I'd packed my suitcase. Yeah, I know sounds odd, but I packed it that day and bam! that night I was in labor.
If you have anything that you feel NEEDS to be done before little miss makes her appearance, send Billy or someone off to do it, lol.

Ali said...

Done, done, and done, babe. Stuck at home with a 15-month-old is boooooring (sometimes)... unless he's BLAKE'S child anyway...

Thanks - he's off to the store for ice cream and a side trip to Starbucks.